How to recognize if a snake is poisonous?

Identifying venomous snakes is not simple and can include anatomical and behavioral details. Depending on the species, it is recommended to keep your distance. Fer-de-lance snake among…

The amazing grass snake! Video

GRASS SNAKE Ringed snake, Water snake The Grass snake (Natrix natrix) is a Eurasian non-venomous colubrid snake. It is often found near water and feeds almost exclusively on amphibians. Appearance The Grass…

Red-eyed Tree Snake. The real beauty of a false coral (Video)

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO I had waпted to see this iпcredible sпake for more thaп two years. I was always captivated by its complexity. Its wiпe red…

Snake Wrangler Terry- Amazon Banded Snake (Rhinobothryum lentiginosum)

RHINOBOTHRYUM LENTIGINOSUM Amazon banded snake Rhinobothryum lentiginosum, commonly known as the Amazon banded snake, is a species of snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to South America….

Two-striped forest-pitviper (Bothrops bilineatus) – Watch Video

BOTHROPS BILINEATUS Two-striped forest-pitviper, Parrotsnake, Amazonian palm viper, Green jararaca Bothrops bilineatus, also known as the two-striped forest-pitviper, parrotsnake, Amazonian palm viper, or green jararaca, is a highly venomous species of…

Snakes in Peru, 20 species from the Amazon and deserts, venomous bushmaster, anaconda and more (Video)

Snakes in Peru, 20 species from the Amazon and deserts, venomous bushmaster, anaconda and more (Video) Peru has a very high diversity of snakes! There are big…

El inspirador viaje de Sholumai: de la oscuridad al triunfo

  En un mundo a menudo lleno de adversidad, algunas historias se destacan por su resiliencia y esperanza. El viaje de Sholumai es una de esas historias….

El divertido encuentro del adorable elefante bebé con el barro derretirá tu corazón

  En cuanto a los animales lindos, los elefantes bebés ocupan un lugar especial en nuestros corazones. A pesar de su tamaño cómicamente grande, su inocencia juvenil…

Bebé elefante nace en el agua: una manada protectora crea un refugio seguro para el nacimiento

  En el corazón de la extensa sabana de África, recientemente se desarrolló un evento raro e impresionante cuando una madre elefante dio a luz bajo el…

Esfuerzo unificado de la aldea: rescatar a un elefante en peligro y facilitar su regreso a la naturaleza y a la familia

  En una aldea aislada enclavada entre los verdes paisajes de Asia, surgió una historia de notable compasión y resiliencia cuando la comunidad se unió para ayudar…