Hello kitties! Chinese sanctuary welcomes the patter of (20) tiny paws as Siberian tiger gives birth to five adorable cubs


The pitter patter of tiny paws can be heard at an animal sanctuary in China where a rare Siberian tiger gave birth to five adorable cubs.

The six-year-old delivered her babies at Guaipo Siberian Tiger Park in Shenyang, the capital of north east China’s Liaoning Province on April 1, according to the People’s Daily Online.

The species, also known as Amur tigers, is one of the world’s most endangered and there are currently only about 450 left in the wild.

Their habitat is restricted to the Russian Far East and pockets in the border areas of China and possibly North Korea, according to the WWF.

Motherhood: The six-year-old Siberian tiger spends some quality time with her cute newborn cubs at Guaipo Siberian Tiger Park in China

Motherhood: The six-year-old Siberian tiger spends some quality time with her cute newborn cubs at Guaipo Siberian Tiger Park in China

Finding their feet: The tiny tigers - born just last week - are getting to know their surroundings under the watchful eye of their mother

Finding their feet: The tiny tigers – born just last week – are getting to know their surroundings under the watchful eye of their mother

Siberian tigers - also known as Amur tigers - are one of the world's most endangered species and it's believed there are only 450 in the wild

Siberian tigers – also known as Amur tigers – are one of the world’s most endangered species and it’s believed there are only 450 in the wild

Protective: The new mum gives the photographer a warning glance as she cuddles her litter of tiger cubs born just says earlier in China

Protective: The new mum gives the photographer a warning glance as she cuddles her litter of tiger cubs born just says earlier in China

Inquisitive: The cubs, born at the beginning of this month, are still trying to get to grips with their surroundings as well as their mother

Inquisitive: The cubs, born at the beginning of this month, are still trying to get to grips with their surroundings as well as their mother

Close watch: Six-year-old mum keeps a eye on her cubs as they play around her at Guaipo Siberian Tiger Park in China on Thursday April 9


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