Just moved into my first house about 2 weeks ago. Just starting to get settled in. Bought the house for a very cheap price. The previous owner was very old, and passed away. The house is very old, but for the price it was perfect for a first house..



When I first toured the housed the basement was way worse than it is now. The previous owner hadn’t moved anything out yet. The basement was pretty full with junk. They cleaned most of the stuff in the basement out, so I had to clear some stuff out. But here it is now with some stuff that I don’t really need and will probably get rid


Finally got the plywood moved out of the way and saw this. At this point I am a little shocked, and a little scared… haha



In this small room about 4×4 feet there is a lot of gun cases. I checked most of them, and the only things in them is user manuals to the guns they once held.



THIS GIANT SAFE. I really don’t know what to do about this. Should I try to contact the old mans children and see if they know anything about the room, and if they want any of the items. OR I could try to get the safe open????


Also a lot of ammo.



I do not know much about guns, but I’m fairly certain this is assault rife ammo?


Assortment of ammo in this wooden box.


200 rounds of 20 gauge shotgun ammo
