Snakes in Peru, 20 species from the Amazon and deserts, venomous bushmaster, anaconda and more (Video)


Peru has a very high diversity of snakes! There are big and powerful constrictors, like Green anacondas or Rainbow boas. Some snakes are extremely colorful, like dangerous coral snakes. Some are deadly venomous and feared by many people, like the infamous bushmaster – the shushupe. The Amazon rainforest is a perfect environment for snakes, most species are non-venomous. We traveled to dense jungles and harsh deserts in search for snakes. In this video you will see 20 snake species from the Amazon rainforest and from coastal deserts (Sechura desert).


Common lancehead / Fer-de-lance (Bothrops atrox)

Rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria)

Amazon Scarlet snake (Pseudoboa coronata)

Brown-banded watersnake (Helicops angulatus)

Common blunthead (Imantodes cenchoa)

South American bushmaster (Lachesis muta)

Hemprich’s coral snake (Micrurus hemprichii)

Amazon tree boa (Corallus hortulana)

Red vine snake (Siphlophis compressus)

Neotropical snail-eater (Dipsas indica)

Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)

Aquatic coral snake (Micrurus surinamensis)

Common whipsnake (Chironius exoletus)

Black-skinned parrot snake (Leptophis nigromarginatus)

Ornate snail-eater (Dipsas catesbyi)

Banded calico snake (Oxyrhopus petolarius)

Desert lancehead (Bothrops pictus)

Elegant racer (Pseudalsophis elegans)

Southern desert coral snake (Micrurus tschudii)

Coastal sand snake (Oxyrhopus fitzingeri)

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