The J. J. Freeman House Circa 1896, Is Over The Top Victorian Opulence At It’s Finest. Located On Glenwood Avenue In The Old West End Neighborhood Of Toledo, Ohio. ‎


This architectural style, which became known through mystery literature and films, emerged during the reign of Queen Victoria. It was common for new architectural trends to be named after the reigning king (or queen) in France and England.

At that time, the United Kingdom was experiencing a very prosperous period. Thanks to this, the bourgeoisie and nobility had plenty of money to spend. They wanted the decoration of their homes to showcase their economic power. To achieve this, homeowners went to great lengths in their decorations. They indulged in velvet, immense chandeliers, heavy curtains, a lot of wallpaper, and flashy frames. You might not want to live in one of these houses (imagine the cleaning!), but you can still admire their beauty and wealth of detail.

1. Narberth, Pennsylvania, USA

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2. Savannah, Georgia, USA

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A Escócia foi o primeiro país a construir dessa forma. E logo o estilo foi expandido para o resto da Inglaterra e Estados Unidos. É bem fácil reconhecer uma edificação desse estilo. Normalmente as casas possuem torres de canto, muitos ornamentos (que remetem para construções indianas e russas), janelas panorâmicas, escadarias íngremes e muito uso de tijolos em terracota.

3. Harry Packer Mansion, Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA

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4. Marine City, Michigan, USA

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5. Norwich, Connecticut, USA

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6. Charlecote, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

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7. London, United Kingdom

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8. Corvallis, Montana, USA

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9. Scotland Neck, North Carolina, USA

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10. Newbury Port, Massachusetts, USA

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11. Lévis, Québec, Canada

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12. Casa Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon, USA

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13. Lebanon, Ohio, USA

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14. t 1204 Washington Avenue, South Boston, Virginia, USA

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15. A beautiful library at the University of Munich, Germany

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16. Contemporary Victorian style, South Yarra, Australia

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17. The “Wedding Cake” mansion in New Orleans, USA

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18. Munson House, Wallingford, Vermont, USA

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19. Casa John Bremond Jr., Austin, Texas, USA

Residências vitorianas


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