Abandoned Castle in France


Mengele Castle

The remains of a once elegant house deep in the woods. Though the roof has fallen in, the many chimneys suggest it was once a place of comfort and warmth.
Unfortunately a forgotten one, and even worse, that His access is disconcertingly simple and undoubtedly the cause of his miserable fate.
It is only a vestige, ripped open to the sky by a fire.
It is a large house attached to a castle, the adjoining farm of which served as a post house for horses in 1600.

Sold in 1757 following a seizure, it received court hearings and served as a post house during the revolution.
During the First World War it received the wounded from the battles.
In 1825 it was bought and divided, the post house will then be abolished.
And in 1972, as the municipal council rejected the project to develop a gulf, it was abandoned to its sad fate.

See below more photos:

Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
Image credits: https://urbexsession.com/
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